Henry S. Lodge, M.D.

Henry S. Lodge, MD, FACP, listed variously as “One of the Best Doctors in New York/America/the World,” headed a twenty-doctor practice in Manhattan and was the Robert Burch Family Professor of Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center.
Chris Crowley, a former litigator (Davis Polk & Wardwell), is the coauthor, with Henry S. Lodge, of the Younger Next Year books, and the coauthor, with Jen Sacheck, PhD, of Thinner This Year. Though in his eighties, he fully lives the life, skiing black diamonds and routinely doing thirty-mile bike rides. He and his wife live in Connecticut and New York City.

​Allan J. Hamilton, MD, is a Harvard-trained brain surgeon, a renowned horse trainer, a developer of equine-assisted learning programs, and the author of Lead with Your Heart and Zen Mind, Zen Horse (Gold Nautilus Award winner). He is a professor of neurosurgery at the University of Arizona and a medical script consultant for the hit television series Grey’s Anatomy. He raises Lipizzan horses on a small ranch on the outskirts of Tucson, Arizona.
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