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J. Albert Mann
J. Albert Mann is the author of Scar: A Revolutionary War Tale, What Every Girl Should Know, The Degenerates, and Fix, among other books for children and young adults. She has an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts in Writing for Children and Young Adults.
About the Author

J. Albert Mann is the author of middle grade and young adult novels. Her stories and poetry have appeared in Highlights for Children, once winning the magazine’s annual Fiction Contest. Simon & Schuster’s Atheneum Books for Young Readers is set to publish her next work of historical fiction about the early life of Margaret Sanger, and Bloomsbury published her early middle grade series Sunny Sweet, written under the name Jennifer Ann Mann. She has an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts in Writing for Children and Young Adults, where she also obtained the Picture Book Intensive certificate. She is the author of Scar: A Revolutionary War Tale, What Every Girl Should Know, The Degenerates, and Fix.