Vivian Shaw

Vivian Shaw wears too many earrings and likes edged weapons and expensive ink, and, as an expat Brit born in Kenya, is not actually from anywhere. She has a BA in art history, an MFA in creative writing and publishing arts, and makes jewelry on the side. She writes about monsters, both in and out of classic horror literature; medicine, in its many forms; machines, extant and fantastical; disasters and their causes; and, perhaps most importantly, found family. She is the author of the Dr. Greta Helsing contemporary fantasy series and the sci-fi/horror novella The Helios Syndrome (Lethe Press). She reviews for the Washington Post and her short sci-fi/horror fiction has appeared in Uncanny, Pseudopod, and The Deadlands. She lives in Santa Fe with her wife, the Hugo-Award-winning author Arkady Martine.
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