The Economist Guide to Emerging Markets

The business outlook, opportunities and obstacles

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Apr 1, 2014

Page Count

256 Pages




The growth that companies can achieve from their operations in home and developed world markets has for many years been modest. Real opportunities to take a business to a higher level exist in identifying and cultivating emerging markets.

For many years, The Economist Corporate Network has been a leading authority in advising firms on how to make the most of the opportunities that emerging markets present, and how to avoid the mistakes so many companies make with disastrous results. In this book, the Corporate Network team shares their expertise with readers. They examine new approaches to business in emerging markets, identifying what you need to think about, the various risks, and how to get your approach right. They also review various markets, from the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) to the emerging economies of Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa.

Based on the unrivalled expertise of The Economist Corporate Network team and their experiences working with hundreds of companies, there is no more useful guide than The Economist: Emerging Markets to explore the opportunities these markets offer and how to take advantage of them.