
Encouraging readers to dream the impossible, The Darkest Dark follows a young boy intrigued by space, but afraid of the dark, inspired by the childhood of real-life astronaut Chris Hadfield and brought to life by Terry and Eric Fan’s lush, evocative illustrations.

Chris loves rockets and planets and pretending he’s a brave astronaut, exploring the universe. Only one problem. At night, Chris doesn’t feel so brave.

He’s afraid of the dark.

When he watches the groundbreaking moon landing on TV, Chris learns that space is the darkest dark there is, and through that lesson discovers that the dark isn’t just scary, but beautiful and exciting—especially when you have big dreams to keep you company.


Praise for The Darkest Dark:* "The Fan brothers (The Night Gardener) switch easily between fantasy elements and documentary images...The idea that a famous astronaut was once afraid of the dark may win some recalcitrant bed-goers' hearts, and readers with dreams of space travel will jump at this." —Publishers Weekly (starred review)
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