The Cook’s Bible

The Best of American Home Cooking

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May 5, 2015

Page Count

464 Pages




A classic kitchen reference available in softcover for the first time.

As the founder, publisher, and editor of Cook’s Illustrated magazine, Kimball has perfected an invaluable way of writing about food: take a classic dish, meticulously test all possible variations, and then present the recipes proven best.

The Cook’s Bible takes the mystery out of preparing a great meal. In addition to numerous master recipes, Kimball serves up a generous helping of appealing variations – nearly 450 recipes in all. Throughout, Kimball elucidates kitchen procedures with more than 250 beautifully rendered step-by-step illustrations. And he also provides lucid guidance on what kitchen equipment you need and what you can live without.

From recipes to techniques to equipment, here is a one-volume master class in American home cookery, a cooking school in print for beginners and experienced cooks alike.