Heart of the Hive

Inside the Mind of the Honey Bee and the Incredible Life Force of the Colony

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Expert beekeeper and swarm-catcher Hilary Kearney offers a unique window into the social lives and biology of these remarkable creatures, accompanied by the photos of world-renowned bee photographer Eric Tourneret.

Readers will be awestruck by the hive as superorganism and how the individual bee lives and behaves within it, perfectly suited to each specific job it performs. From their intricate dances and information-rich pheromones to how they sense and respond to their environment, learn, and remember, this immersive journey into the world of bees offers an entirely new perspective on the wisdom of nature and our relationship to it.


“An intimate journey into the lives of honey bees.” —Rusty Burlew, creator of HoneyBeeSuite.com and columnist for American Bee Journal
“Kearney has woven together the soul and science of the honey bee. You’ll see the bee and its place in the world like never before." —Frederick Dunn, Cornell University Certified Master Beekeeper and host of The Way To Bee
“A fascinating story and a pleasure to read.” —Heather Broccard-Bell, PhD, honey bee health researcher for NOD Apiary Products Ltd.
“Kearney brings the near-magical senses and sensibilities of the honey bee to life through evocative storytelling and with deep compassion for these complex and perceptive animals." —Eric Lee-Mäder, author of The Milkweed Lands
"An enlightening journey for all readers." —James C. Nieh, professor of Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution, UC San Diego
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