
With unparalleled ambition, instinctual physicality, keen business intelligence, and a remarkable sense of humor, Marilyn Monroe achieved sensational celebrity. Yet, she insisted, “I never really felt like a star. Not really, not in my heart.”

In the months before her death, Marilyn polishes the script for her ultimately unfinished film, Something’s Got to Give.  
In the weeks before her death, she drinks champagne on Santa Monica Beach with the last photographer to take her picture. 
In the days before her death, she’s a guest of Frank Sinatra in the Celebrity Room at the Cal-Neva Lodge. 
In the hours before her death, she argues with U.S. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy and his brother-in-law Peter Lawford. 
In an emergency session with her psychiatrist, she confesses: “Here I am, the most beautiful woman in the world, and I do not have a date for Saturday night.” 
On June 1, 2026, the world celebrates Marilyn Monroe’s 100th birthday. Without her.  
In life, her superstardom defies classification.
In death, she remains shrouded in mystery. 
The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe is a true crime thriller about a woman who changed Hollywood history, and whose indelible image captures our imagination to this day.