
Fans ofBuffy and Charmed will love this queer fantasy romance set in a magical high school reunion!

What’s a witch to do when her demon ex comes to call?

McKenna Ellerbeck has been running from literal demons for ten years, including her ex-girlfriend, the Archdemon of Desire Remiel Blake. When Remi finally tracks her down and demands she return to her fantastical hometown of Arcadia Commons to attend her high school reunion, McKenna wants to refuse. But she’s bound by a blood-debt, so like it or not, it’s time to stop running. 

As McKenna begrudgingly reconnects with old classmates, she learns the consequences of her disappearing act: Not only is her brother now picking fights with the town’s most prominent witch family, but her high school boyfriend is engaged to her class’ lead mean girl, her werewolf best friend got married without McKenna there, and even more horrific are the infernal beings somehow getting past the town’s magical barrier, leaving a trail of madness behind them! 

As it becomes clear that a much darker force is hiding in their midst, McKenna decides it’s finally time to face her past and the witches, werewolves, demons, and friends she left behind.

The McKenna Ellerbeck Series