Gardenista: The Low-Impact Garden

A Guide to Creating Sustainable Outdoor Spaces

Regular Price $40.00

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Regular Price $40.00

Regular Price $51.00 CAD

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Oct 14, 2025

Page Count

304 Pages





A comprehensive and lushly illustrated guide to sustainable gardening from the experts at Gardenista

In Gardenista: The Low-Impact Garden, author Kendra Wilson covers everything you need to know to create a garden that’s good for the planet—and to create beautiful and well-designed outdoor spaces. This comprehensive guide to eco-conscious gardening features in-depth garden tours of all sorts, from a wildflower prairie in the Midwest to an indoor-outdoor garden in London, a forest garden in Vancouver to a permaculture garden in Australia. There are breakouts on specific garden types, like front yards and rooftop gardens, as well as practical advice on “green” approaches to key garden elements (lawns, soil, trees and shrubs, water, and even pools). With 350 full-color photographs, a round-up of standout eco-conscious garden tools, expert advice, resources, and more, Gardenista: The Low-Impact Garden is the ultimate handbook for creating sustainable outdoor spaces.