Worn on This Day

The Clothes That Made History

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Nov 5, 2019

Page Count

336 Pages




This stunning visual guide is a journey of discovery through fashion’s fascinating history, one day at a time.
Beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st, Worn On This Day looks at garments worn on monumental occasions across centuries, offering capsule fashion histories of everything from space suits to wedding gowns, Olympics uniforms, and armor. It creates thought-provoking juxtapositions, like Wallis Simpson’s June wedding and Queen Elizabeth’s June coronation, or the battered shoes Marie-Antoinette and a World Trade Center survivor wore to escape certain death, just a few calendar days apart.
In every case there is a newsworthy narrative behind the garment, whether famous and glamorous or anonymous and humble. Prominent figures like Abraham Lincoln, Marilyn Monroe, and the Duchess of Cambridge are represented alongside ordinary people caught up in extraordinary events. Beautifully illustrated throughout, Worn On This Day presents a revelatory mash-up of styles, stories, and personalities.


"Worn on This Day is an eye-opening look at a year's worth of iconic fashion." —-Bustle
"A meticulous, fascinating collection of stories." —-Stanford Magazine
"Overall, this book is a wonderful addition for students, scholars, and anyone who
adores fashion. Truly, the wide base of events included ensures that there is
something for all readers to enjoy. So many stories are told through each date, and
the book repeatedly divulges new snippets of history through the fashion history
lens." —The Journal of Dress History
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