
From New York Times bestselling author Lee Smith comes a groundbreaking account of the US-China relationship, documenting how the US ruling class partnered with a communist regime to destroy America.
This is a story of power and ambition, greed and betrayal. It’s the story of how the ideas of one man – Henry Kissinger — influenced and in some cases directed the actions of US presidents for half a century and thus formed the world we live in today. Call it the the Kissinger Continuum. It’s the story of how US elites sold out their own country to a foreign power and impoverished their fellow citizens to enrich themselves. But it’s a story about courage and resilience, and the struggle for renewal and even redemption. For it’s also the story of how another man, Donald J. Trump, led the fight to challenge the gravest threat to US peace and prosperity since the Soviet Union and return America to greatness.