
Bestselling author and megachurch pastor Robert Morris unpacks the full meaning and significance of the grace of God, revealing for Christians a freedom from shame, guilt, and striving that few believers have begun to grasp.

In life, we often look for fulfillment in our performance. We try to earn our way to happiness by achieving goals and meeting obligations. We try everything we can to earn favor with God. But what we find instead is disappointment, fear, and weariness.
In Grace, Period., Pastor Robert Morris shows that we don’t need to live this way. What we truly want has already been given to us—we simply need to receive it!

Looking in-depth at the life and teachings of Jesus, Pastor Morris reveals the beauty and perfection of God’s amazing grace. He uncovers its sheer abundance, lavishness, and extravagance, and explains what happens in our day-to-day lives when we fully accept it. Exploring the blessings we have now—access to God’s love, favor, and approval—Pastor Morris teaches us how to find rest, gratitude, fruitfulness, confidence, joy, and the list goes on.

In other words, Grace, Period. is a clear and compelling roadmap for arriving at an end to striving and shame. It’s a guide for finding and enjoying the abundant life God sent Jesus to purchase for us. A life given to us by grace—only grace.

A Study Guide is also available for purchase. 


"On the pages ahead, I’m going to take you on a journey of exploration. The territory is called the Land of Grace. Along the way we’ll explore why and how grace made a way for you to receive a new and better relationship with God—one based on better promises than the Old Testament saints dreamed possible. You’ll discover one grace-gift called righteousness that changes everything about the way we live, love, and worship. We’ll unwrap a gift called Sabbath rest and learn why we all need it so very desperately. Most important of all, you’re about to discover the greatest (and perhaps most neglected) of all grace’s gifts. The gift of adoption. The one that makes us not servants in God’s fields but rather sons and daughters at His banqueting table. These and many other gifts are waiting to be unveiled." —From the Introduction
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