The Healing Cell

How the Greatest Revolution in Medical History is Changing Your Life

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Apr 2, 2013

Page Count

256 Pages




The Healing Cell is an easy to read, carefully researched, and clear-eyed view of medicine many decades in the making that is now paying off with treatments that repair damaged hearts, restore sight, kill cancer, cure diabetes, heal burns, and stop the march of such degenerative diseases as Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and Lou Gehrig’s disease. The emotionally and intellectually stimulating stories throughout the book dramatically illustrate that stem cell therapies can change the way we live our lives after being afflicted by a disease or trauma. The book is the result of a unique collaboration between the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture and the Stem for Life Foundation. It includes a special address by His Holiness Benedict XVI, urging increased support and awareness for advancements in adult stem cell research.


"In addition to making the science easy to understand, we filled the book with here-and-now case studies on how adult stem cell therapies are already helping real people suffering needlessly from deadly and debilitating diseases and medical conditions. Not only does the book speak to the success of our historical partnership with The Vatican, but it sets the stage for our next great event." —Dr. Robin L. Smith, co-author
"This book promotes a powerful dialogue between scientific and religious communities. This dialogue must find its expression within the important framework of searching for truth and being guided by the highest ethical values. We hope this book will help educate people throughout the world regarding the importance of ethical scientific research and help them understand they do not need to choose between their faith and science; but in fact, the two can work together to profoundly improve humanity." —Monsignor Tomasz Trafny, co-author
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