
Award-winning baseball writer and coauthor of Ninety Percent Mental Scott Miller offers an unprecedented look at the job of Major League Baseball managers—showing how they shape the game…and how the ever-changing game shapes them.
Skipper takes on an ambitious Moneyball-esque premise: a deep dive into the ongoing struggle for control that often takes place behind the scenes between MLB managers and the ownership groups, and now, their data analysts. In a culture still attempting to come to terms with the Digital Age, there’s a bigger story behind the evolution of authority of managing inside the major leagues.

Packed with baseball history, interviews with dozens of MLB's current stars and veterans, and an exclusive, inside look at the day-to-day life of a manager competing for the World Series, the LA Dodgers’ Dave Roberts, Skipper is a fascinating look into the highs, the lows, and the inner workings of the changing world of professional baseball.