
In this revolutionary book, a renowned computer scientist explains the importance of teaching children the basics of computing and how it can prepare them to succeed in the ever-evolving tech world.

Computers have completely changed the way we teach children. We have Mindstorms to thank for that. In this book, pioneering computer scientist Seymour Papert uses the invention of LOGO, the first child-friendly programming language, to make the case for the value of teaching children with computers. Papert argues that children are more than capable of mastering computers, and that teaching computational processes like de-bugging in the classroom can change the way we learn everything else. He also shows that schools saturated with technology can actually improve socialization and interaction among students and between students and teachers.

Technology changes every day, but the basic ways that computers can help us learn remain. For thousands of teachers and parents who have sought creative ways to help children learn with computers, Mindstorms is their bible.


"[Papert] offers one of the most promising glimpses yet of how we might build toward an education system in which we could take renewed pride." —New York Times Book Review
"Seymour Papert is the greatest of all living education theorists. He puts into the hands of the child new conceptual tools and thus changes the learning experience from a matter of discipline and suffering into one of excitement." —Marvin Minsky
"Ever since I met Seymour...I liked the way he talked about kids and how they learn. What he taught me was that each of us can learn and that computers are a unique tool to be used in our learning. But real learning is not rote and not commanded, but the result of exploration and delight."
—Governor Jerry Brown
"Papert's fascinating volume should help adults allay their own fear of computers and not extend those fears into the uncorrupted psyches of children."
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