
The Astrology of Personal Evolution

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Dec 31, 2050

Page Count

512 Pages





The authors of the bestselling Sextrology return with their comprehensive guide to show readers how to live up to their potential and fulfill their life’s purpose.

Nextrology is the much-anticipated sequel to their bestselling book Sextrology, expanding its knowledge and providing a fresh new perspective while still making sure that astrology remains smart, sexy, satirical, and stylish. Nextrology moves past the binary of male/female, gay/straight, and embraces the full spectrum of sexual and gender identity while also providing profoundly fresh insights into the readers’ natures, and into those of their friends, family, and significant others. It will pinpoint people’s preferences, possibilities, and would-be pitfalls, prodding them to deploy particular elements of personality in the face of this or that situation, challenge or opportunity, all the while maintaining a voice that is both lively and informative.
Nextrology will be divided into 24 chapters, one for each of the signs. Each chapter will have a concise “snapshot” of the individual followed by three main sections:
  • SIGN + SIGNIFICANCE, providing a fresh insight into the individual’s motivation and charting their path for development,
  • SENSE + PSYCHE, exploring the mind-body connection specific to each sign and how they process psychological and emotional experiences,
  • SEXUALITY + SPIRIT, investigating the link between our sexual identity and our spiritual development.
Additionally, sidebars will pepper the chapters and will provide essential information about each sign along with action items-some metaphysical homework that the reader can do, a deep dive into addressing their own behaviors, patterns, and pathologies.
Every page of Nextrology provides entertainment while also uplifting and helping readers reach a new, more profound understanding of themselves (and those around them), offering them cosmic guidance to evolve as human beings.