Once Upon a Sushi Cat

The Mystery and the Magic

Regular Price $13.00

Regular Price $17.00 CAD

Regular Price $13.00

Regular Price $17.00 CAD

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Sep 1, 2020

Page Count

64 Pages




An all-at-once charming and delightful book on the world of sushi cats.

If you’re new to the wonderful world of sushi cats, we’re happy to formally introduce you to these magical creatures. Sushi cats are an unusual life-form consisting of a cat on top of a portion of sushi rice. But make no mistake, these sushi cats are not for eating. As the story goes, the history of sushi cats is nothing more than the history of mankind itself and they have been known to influence humans since the beginning of time.

Once Upon a Sushi Cat takes you on a journey through history describing where sushi cats come from (Sushi Cat Island, of course), and how they’ve traveled around the world on their flying plates spreading joy. Although we’ve gathered a little information from various researchers and witnesses, their existence is shrouded in mystery and sightings remain rare. Pause for a moment to look through the gaps of your busy life, and you may just spot a sushi cat looking back at you.