
¡Conviértete en la persona excepcional que Dios creó!

¿Cómo estás viviendo tu vida? ¿Te levantaste esta mañana esperando hacer algo importante o te despertaste cansada, preocupada y frustrada? En su reciente libro, ¡Eres excepcional!, Victoria Osteen declara que Dios no quiere que vivas el día tediosamente, ni evites los desafíos de la vida. Si te armas con el conocimiento de que Dios está contigo, Él te dará las ideas, las palabras y la energía que necesitas para hacer que cada día sea excepcional.

A través de historias personales y enseñanzas bíblicas, Victoria te mostrará cómo adoptar una nueva forma de pensar sobre ti misma y tu vida que fortalecerá tu fe, aumentará tu confianza y sacará a la persona extraordinaria que realmente eres a través de siete prácticas:
  • Ten la certeza de que eres escogida
  • Alza tu vista
  • Mantén llena tu caja de recuerdos
  • Viaja ligera
  • Ama de verdad
  • Vive el presente
  • Empodérate
¡No esperes ni un minuto más para que descubras que eres excepcional!
Become the exceptional person God has called you to be with these seven practices for living a fulfilled and plentiful life from Lakewood Church co-pastor and bestselling author Victoria Osteen.

In her latest book, Exceptional You! Victoria Osteen shares seven ways to become the exceptional person God has called you to be. She says, “If you’re going reach your highest potential in life, you’re going to have to develop the ability to see beyond where you are right now.”

Through empowering, uplifting stories and biblical teachings, Victoria will encourage you to set your mind and intent towards the important things in life with seven exceptional practices:
  • Keep your memory box full of encouragement
  • Lift up your eyes
  • Know that you are chosen
  • Love well
  • Keep your accounts short
  • Live in your space of gratitude
  • Start your day off right
Live encouraged, live empowered, and live intentional, and see the new and exciting things God has in store for you.

Become the Exceptional Person God Has Called You to Be

Meet The Author: Victoria Osteen

Victoria Osteen is the co-pastor of Lakewood Church, the New York Times bestselling author of Love Your Life, and the host of the national weekly radio program, Victoria Osteen Live, and her weekly podcast “Victoria and Friends” on Joel Osteen Radio, SiriusXM Channel 128. She is an integral part of each service at Lakewood as well as the “Night of Hope” events across the U.S. and abroad. She lives with her family in Houston, Texas.

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