The Other Woman

Twenty-one Wives, Lovers, and Others Talk Openly About Sex, Deception, Love, and Betrayal

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Aug 13, 2008

Page Count

288 Pages




She’s been called the harpy, the Jezebel, the Lorelei, the bitch…and other choice names. In truth, she is someone’s daughter, mother, friend, confidante. She seduces husbands, breaks up marriages, and occasionally becomes a stepmother. Sometimes, she is even a victim. So who is this creature who arrives like a wrecking ball to destroy lives and families? She is the Other Woman–but she’s only half the story.

For every Other Woman, there is a wife or girlfriend whose relationship has been devastated–or surprisingly–blissfully liberated. Some women find themselves playing both roles during the course of a lifetime. With 21 insightful essays (20 written specifically for this anthology) from the list of America’s most respected and award-winning female authors, this collection explores the highly personal, sometimes anguished, sometimes hilarious, but always compelling experiences of women on both sides of these highly charged and emotional situations.